Eliminating dental tartar and bacterial plaque that accumulates over time on the surface of the teeth, gingival grooves and in the spaces between the teeth, also eliminates stains produced by pigmentation due to the ingestion of
some foods and drinks with very
intense coloration.
Keeping your gums and teeth healthy and avoiding periodontal disease such as gingivitis and periodontitis, will also decrease the risk of halitosis or bad breath.
Keeping your mouth healthy is an
essential part of your health. It is
important to keep your dentist
informed about any changes in your
oral health.
Only your dentist can determine the
best treatment plan for you. Do you
have questions about your oral health or certain dental procedures?
Start a conversation and ask your
dentist. Dentists love to have healthy and satisfied patients.
Dental Prophylaxis
This is a procedure that is performed in the dental office routinely and consists of the removal of dental tartar, pigmentations and bacterial plaque that adheres to the surface of the teeth over time.